A Vegan Keto Journey 4 (Kathy’s)

Goodness, the time has flown by so quickly, I’m actually in my 5th week now!

All I can say is I wish I’d have heard of Keto years ago. This is something I can definitely keep up long term, I love the food, the experimentation, and the results.

coffee beansI have a subscription to an excellent coffee which is delivered every 4 weeks (I’m fussy about my coffee).

Opening the bag and WOW, after having no sense of smell for nigh on 20yrs I was in bliss. I was like a horse with a nosebag, face stuck in there while making breakfast!

So this was one of the unexpected side effects and one I want to keep.

Keto has gained a lot of popularity because of the success with weight loss. My primary reason was to find out if it would help asthma.

For me, health and vitality are the main things, not being thin, so the weight loss has been simply another side effect.

I’m finding that I can make “bread” and “biscuits”, “ice cream”, “mousse” etc. As I perfect these recipes and take photographs I’ll keep adding to the recipe section. They are too good not to share!

Working closely with Wendy to make sure of all the macro and micronutrients is very important going forward. Will there be any long term issues? Wel, that is what we intend to find out.

There is a real dearth of scientific research regarding vegan Keto and we want to make sure we have the most accurate up to date information.


So, food, well I’ve been inventing a vegan keto chocolate brownie, yes really! It’s not quite right being a little be dry but very promising.

I’ve also been working on some tasty soups. I’ve still to write those up properly but with a few ingredients, it’s amazing what you can do.

It’s also a good way of adding pea protein into your diet, I just mix it through the soup.

One of my favorite discoveries since the last journal is roasted cauliflower. Walnut oil and smoked paprika, sublime! With all the different herbs spices and oils available I never grow tired of it.

Almost at the end of my 5th week, I’ve just realized my hemorrhoids have gone! They were only small and not troublesome but still, isn’t that amazing!

Time to go and get adding those recipes!

The journey continues…..


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