Who shouldn’t follow a ketogenic Diet

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Who Shouldn’t Follow a Ketogenic Diet?

The question “who shouldn’t follow a ketogenic diet” is a really important one. When considering changing to a ketogenic diet, there are a few key questions to ask yourself.

  • Do I have any contraindicated health conditions?
  • Do I have a health condition that requires extra support if I’m to adopt a ketogenic diet?

This website is not here to tell you that you can or can’t follow a ketogenic lifestyle.

Rather, we’ve put together a list for you to consider whether a ketogenic diet would be appropriate for you. The recommendation is always to consult a practitioner who is experienced in the ketogenic diet.

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Essential Fatty Acids explained

Omega 3 oil capsules

What is a fatty acid?

First up, let’s explain what we mean by fatty acids. These are the building blocks of the fats that we eat.

Essential fatty acids (EFA) are those fats that our body cannot produce and which are essential for our health. Therefore we need to consume them in our diet. There are 2 ‘parent’ categories of EFA’s:

  • Alpha-linolenic Acid (ALA): Broken down to the active form of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) these are also called Omega-3 fats
  • Linoleic Acid(LA): Broken down to the active form of GLA (Gamma Linoleic Acid) and AA (Arachadonic Acid) these are also called Omega-6 fats

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What can I eat on a Vegan Ketogenic Diet?

What Can I eat?

What Can I Eat?

The big question is always “What can I eat on a vegan ketogenic diet?” when you first start on a ketogenic diet. The answer is- lots of beautiful foods! But it’s something that a lot of people struggle with in the early days of following a ketogenic diet. Therefore we’ve put together a few resources to help you on your way. These are based on our own experiences and what we have available to us. The lists are not exhaustive, feel free to add suggestions.

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